Home > How to Wear and Care for your Latex Clothing

How to Wear and Care for your Latex Clothing

-Tips on How to Wear Latex Garments
Latex clothing can be tricky to put on and take off, but if you keep the following tips in mind, putting on and removing your latex garments won’t be nearly as much nuisance!
Pulling on latex clothing – which tends to be tight and fit snugly – can easily damage it, leaving permanent finger marks, stretching, or even rips and tears, in the material. Have patience, and use baby powder generously on the inside of your garments. Another option is to use a silicone-based shining product or a NON oil-based lubricant to make putting on your clothing easier.
Instead of grabbing the latex material with your fingers, which increases the likelihood of leaving finger indentations or causing damage to your clothing, use your whole hand to pull the clothing. Use your hand to shift the latex and gradually shift until the garment is in place properly and you are comfortable. Use as much baby powder or lube as you feel you need; excess can always be wiped off as needed.

-Washing and Cleaning Latex Clothing
Be certain to wash your latex garments after each use. When wearing latex, sweating is common and can be increased by the constriction of this type of material and snug fit. Washing your clothing after each wear will remove the sweat and odor from the latex material and will help the costume look it’s best for years to come.
Use a small amount of soft soap in lukewarm water to rinse your garments thoroughly. Do not scrub them, as this may damage the latex, but wipe with a soft cloth inside and out and rinse completely. Do NOT wring out your clothing; it is more than sufficient to gently shake the garment to shake free excess water, pat with a towel to soak up remaining moisture, and hang to air-dry in a room temperature setting. Any remaining water streaks can be gently wiped away with a soft cloth as your clothes are drying. You may want to lightly shake some baby powder inside your garments as they are drying to prevent sticking.

With the right storage and good latex care you will enjoy your clothes for many years. If you follow the simple rules such as not too much sunlight, proper dark storage, no grease or oil and always wash after wearing, your latex clothing can last many years. The lifespan depends on the care you give your latex clothing. In addition to the right latex care, the lifespan also depends on how often the clothing is worn and how much it is stressed.